Happy New Year's! It's... March!?

*yawnnnnnnnnnn* Hey guys, what's up. Sorry I haven't updated this in... A YEAR AND A HALF!? (Oh, geez...)

Happy New Year's!

LISTEN, I promise you, it's not because I've forgotten about Harvest December. Trust me, I haven't. The issue mainly boils down to me being a college student and coming to just absolutely despise Python (more on that later). With version 0.4;

Took long enough, I know. But that's because of a few things that have changed since then:

  • Harvest December: Four Seasons Edition has FINALLY been archived!
    • I dedicated a lot of time and money to finding this, and was extremely lucky to have found the last copy of it on a site called Lashibang. Buyee came in clutch. If it wasn't for them, I would've never been able to get the DVD over here
  • I've been hard at work trying to find a copy of the second fandisc on Android. So far, I've found the iOS copy, and have backed up its files, but iOS still is not very accessible...
  • I've also been searching high and low to find out what the hell is going on with Talestune nowadays. Are they defunct? Who knows!

But, on the brightside, Lovely March is here! Which means all the Winter books are finally here!

Now, then. Let's start from square one, shall we

Bigger, bolder, and modern... er.
Periphery Edition? Isn't that what the project was being renamed to?

Originally, yes, but it's now becoming its own thing...

Harvest December: Periphery Edition is a completely modern remake of the Harvest December Series, along with its fandiscs. Unlike Reharvested, Periphery Edition will be made from scratch on Godot 4. This allows me to get away from Python, and will also put me in familiar territory. When I started Reharvested, I had no idea how to use Python. Godot allows me to use C#, and that is something I am much more familiar with.

Periphery Edition will also include a lot of things that just couldn't be done in Ren'Py without serious legwork:

  1. Shaders, to emphasize certain moments
  2. Seamless sprite dissolves
  3. Particle and textbox effects
  4. And, of course, an updated menu

There's also a few things that are totally possible with Ren'Py, but I don't have the energy to backport into Reharvested. For example, instead of using the in-game soundtrack, we use the official soundtrack from the CD included with Four Seasons Edition.

Moving over to Godot does mean we'll have to start over, but development will also be a lot quicker. A lot quicker. I'm sorry to say I don't have anything to show just quite yet, but you all will be the first to know when I do! Pinky swear!

Hope to see you in the future~!


Harvest December Reharvested 452 MB
Jan 04, 2024

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I was wondering if this was ever going to come back a few weeks ago. This ought to be fun.